Merlyn Display


Merlyn Mind + Newline




Product Design Lead: Mol Crickman
Senior Designer: Carly Luterbach


Merlyn available in 4 million new classrooms
New partnerships with other interactive panel companies
Teachers able to move seamlessly between computer and interactive panel classrooms


Expanding Merlyn to Newline: Designing for Seamless Integration

With over 15 million interactive panels in classrooms today, expanding Merlyn to Newline was an obvious opportunity for growth. Collaborating closely with Newline’s technology and product teams, we optimized the design to address unique challenges and ensure a seamless classroom experience.

On-panel usage eliminated the need for teachers to log in, rendering the Teacher Toolkit obsolete as a touchpoint. To bridge this gap, we redesigned the experience to incorporate built-in discovery and education moments, guiding users organically. Additionally, we optimized for touch interaction alongside voice and remote controls, ensuring an intuitive, multimodal experience for educators.